Thursday, April 30, 2020

No Netlfix, Still Chilling

Since I was a child I had this strange fascination for life in villages. I would read stories about how life in a village is.

How happy and self-sufficed they are staying away from the luxuries of life. Undoubtedly we have everything at the click of a button.
You are craving a pizza? Hello, Dominks one large-sized Farmhouse pizza with coke on the sides, please.
You need groceries? You have BigBasket to your rescue.
You need to get your haircut done? Guess what, we have UrbanClap offering their Edward Scissorhands.
But all this one click away deal comes with a very hefty price. Come to think of it, I feel that all of this is slowly taking us away from Mother Nature.
When was the last time you saw the morning sun caress your face (sunkissed pictures are not counted)? When was the last time you soaked in the tranquillity of the moon? When was the last time you heard the bee hum? When was the last time you inhaled the fresh air filled with the aroma of the seasonal flowers? When was the last time you danced in the rain? When was the last time you walked down the pebbled path without your headphones on? When was the last time you.......and the list continues.
It is strange how the steps we need to take to get close to nature lie untaken. There is a long route we need to traverse back. The above might sound impossible to you. And you are justified. In a city, people hardly bother to make use of the free gifts bestowed on us. Because sunsets are only meant for days when you are down or you need a picture-perfect background.
So this time when I visited my village I was in a pre-decided notion that after so many years of the industrial revolution this place must have come close to living in a city or bordering on the lines of the township and the village life must have been on the verge of decline.
But I was wrong. Everything was the same.
The people, the sunset, the people seeing the sunset. It was as if this place was still the same as it was 7 years back. And maybe taking a step back from the modern luxuries have brought them a step closer to nature and humanity.No wonder this place is still untouched with "Netflix and Chill".

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