Thursday, May 28, 2020


From snaps of keto salad to cute pet puppies to "I woke up like this" to "No Sleep" to "Up all night" the streaks cover them all.

Every morning when I wake up to snaps of location, time, day; snaps of sun rays entering the room; privacy smirks from the corner of my room only pondering about how we have transformed our lives by cocooning ourselves for our families and being open books for our friends. Then are days when you're trying to stick to a healthy diet and you open at least 50 #foodporn snaps. And then another 50 #workoutdonefortheday; basically a wave of motivation gushing into workout which brings in its wake - guilt pleasures followed by curbing the never-ending desires to eat blueberry cheesecakes and pancakes with maple syrup and choco-chip icecreams and cupcakes topped with vanilla frosting because if your best friend sends you snaps of eating all those high carb delicacies there is no reason why you should be trying a #21daynopastrychallenge.

Then comes the climax, the anxiety that creeps in when the streaks are about to break. There have been times when I used to put reminders to remind me to maintain my streaks. This doesn't end here because then there is a time-consuming session of opening snaps of my peers chilling out on weekends while I attended classes or sulked in my room watching Tripling.

Alas! The tale of sorrow doesn't end here.

Mirror selfies flaunting new dresses, new haircut, new hair colour, hourglass figure all of it would make anyone feel envious. Guilty pleasures, anxiety, envy are just some of the unformidable consequences I faced while trying to maintain streaks.

So I will Forget streaks for good, and say hello to memories.

We'll capture the snaps; all of them with our soul and heart.

This time we'll replace our smartphones with our souls and our DSLRs with our heart. And we'll save them all in our brain's gallery.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

To all those who Stereotype Engineers

This is for always those who have stereotyped engineers at some point in their life. Even I was a part of this club at some point in my life.
Engineers lack creativity, they have a layer of monotony covering them, they are surrounded by machines, they are following the herd mentality, they don't like their own work, they just do it to earn a bit more. There are definitely some people who fall in this bracket but classifying them all in a box saying that they don't think out of the box is outrightly wrong. What makes you believe that engineers don't love their jobs? What makes you believe that every engineer is unpassionate about their job?
Some find creativity is an art some in music some in designing doesn't mean the technology is not creative. Engineers are the ones who can transform your imaginations into reality making the world a little easier for all of us.
At some point in my life, even I found the Streotypying engineers stand up comedians funny. But now I don't. When you study Science and you go into the depth of it, you realise how beautiful and fascinating it is. How victorious it feels to get answers to all the questions you had piled up in your mind since childhood.
People who get into Engineering aren't dull. People who aspire to be an engineer can't be stereotyped. Having a passion for engineering can also be the end result of more than an amateur interest in knowing the science behind things, having a keen interest develop new prototypes from the existing ones.
I condemn people who shrug off engineering as a creative career option. Those who shrug off engineering as going with the herd choice.Those who shrug off engineering as a safe future option.Those who shrug off aspiring engineers and label them as conventional.Those who shrug off budding engineers as moneymakers.
Because your existence is because of engineers.The civil engineer who was behind the building of your house and office. The mechanical engineers who come up with new machines and design your Air conditioners, elevators, lifts and the list goes on. The only thing that remains common is how vital their role is and how easy they make a life for us. So, scraping them off and tagging them and making memes out of them is wrong, thousand times over!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

End of Patriarchy

With the end of a generation, will patriarchy end?
With our grandparents no longer with us, will these ancestral norms of society cease to exist? Or will there still be people who will be modern in their outlook but deep inside will be the carriers of the patriarchy they inherited from their forefathers? Will a son and a daughter be treated as equals again?
Will a son and a daughter get the same fair level of education?
Will the end goal of a girl's life change to supporting her family just like her brother?
Will she be allowed to study after she turns 18?
Will she get equal wages like her male counterpart?
Will she be stopped from being looked at as a burden?
Will she be considered a boon or will she still be considered a bane?
Will she be free of the chains that hold her back?
Or will the newer generations also curb her wishes?
Will the mother whose wishes were curbed, who was married off at the age of 18, dropped out of college also make here daughter drop out when she turns 18?
Will she be married too?
Will the mother whose sister was killed while still a foetus also kill an unborn girl child?
Will the father who was a witness of her sister's death who was thrown in the river on the day that she died also kill her daughter in the same way? 
Will the father who saw her sister cry on being made to do all the household work, also make her daughter do the same?
Will parents stop telling their daughters about how they will be married off someday?
Will parents start telling their daughters how they would become strong pillars of society and bring a change?
With the end of a generation, will our outlook towards things change?
Will the mother who was ill-treated by her family stand up when her daughter is ill-treated
The answer to this only lies within the end of the generation.
What the newer generation has to offer and how rational they become when it comes to changing the way society perceives things.Because ultimately it is they, you and me who make a society. With a generation's death, we would have an unmoulded clay to shape and redefine patriarchy to equality.

Breaking the Shackles of Servitude

Today was the first day - The first day of her freedom; With her wings finally unclipped, Breathin’ an air of tranquillity Was h...